Foothills of northwestern North Carolina---
Come back for a visit at a later time...this site is constantly being revised as creativity inspires and time permits. If you have suggestions, contact buzz@buzzardrun.com.
What does "Buzzard Run" mean?
Buzzard Run was once a rural community in the foothills of NC. Buzzard Run
School was a one-roomed schoolhouse where the students walked to school
"barefoot in the snow and uphill both ways." The building once stood down a dirtroad off Vashti Rd and is all but forgotten.
What is a Buzzard Run?
Buzzards would land on the hilltop and hop down to the creek to get water.
After time, a path was worn down the mountain (also called a "run").
Does this site dedicated to the history of Buzzard Run?
No. It's just a cool name. The site will be expressive of the
owner's likes, beliefs and interests.
Just a few things around my kitchen.